Note: As is our policy, we have not listed a number of ongoing ideas competitions based on several criteria: the participants may be asked to actually create their own program, the disproportionate ratio of entry fee to prize money, and cases where organizers running idea competitions on a frequent basis are doing so without real clients.
Nashville Designing Action Competition
Sponsor: Nashville Civic Design Center; National Endowment of the Arts
Type: Open, ideas
Language: English
Fee: $40 ($15 for students with proof of attendance)
Eligibility: Designing Action ideas competition is open to all interested entrants. Individuals, teams, professionals, students and artists from around the world are encouraged to submit their visions and designs. Entrants may submit multiple designs, but must obtain a unique ID number for each submission.
1 June, 2012 - Competition Announcement
27 July, 2012 - Registration Deadline
13 August, 2012 - Submission Deadline
August/September, 2012 - Jury Meets
September 20, 2012 - Outdoor Exhibition of Finalists
1st Prize - $5,000
2nd Prize - $2,500
3rd Prize - $1,000
People's Choice - $500
Jury: TBA
Design Challenge:
The goal with this IDEAS competition is to generate innovative concepts that could enhance the future redevelopment of riverfront property, promote active lifestyles and increase the quality of life for all of Nashville’s citizens.
Participants in Designing Action are invited to envision the many possibilities for transforming a 75 acre industrial brownfi eld into a new vibrant, active district for downtown Nashville, with an emphasis on the inclusion of active recreation spaces that cater to a diverse array of sports and athletics.
For more information, go to:
Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge
Sponsor: Washington State University; NBBJ; KSI
Type: Open, ideas
Language: English
Early Registration (June 5 to July 4, 2012): $40
Regular Registration (July 5 to August 10, 2012): $100
Eligibility: The competition is open to professionals and students of the international design and art communities over the age of 18. Participants may enter as individuals or in teams of up to four members.
5 June, 2012 - Competition Announcement; Early Registration Begins; Inquiry Period Begins
5 July, 2012 - End of Early Registration
20 July, 2012 - Inquiry Deadline
10 August, 2012 - Registration Closes
15 August, 2012 - Submissions Due
5 July, 2012 - End of Early Registration
20 July, 2012 - Inquiry Deadline
10 August, 2012 - Registration Closes
15 August, 2012 - Submissions Due
21 September, 2012 - Awards Announced at Seattle Design Festival and on Website
First Place - $3,000Second Place - $1,500
Third Place - $500
Best Student Entry - $500
5 Honorable Mentions - $100 each
Robert E. Hull, FAIA, Architect - Founding Partner and Lead Designer of Miller|Hull Partnership, LLP
Ev Ruffcorn, FAIA, Architect - Design Principal at NBBJ
Shannon Nichol, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP, Landscape Architect - Director of Gustafson Guthrie Nichol
Ellen Sollod, Environmental Artist and Designer - Principal at Sollod Studio
Mark Hinshaw, FAIA, FAICP, Urban Designer - Principal and Director of Urban Design at LMN Architects
Moderator: Peter Steinbrueck, FAIA, Architect & Design Strategist, founding principal of Steinbrueck Urban Strategies, LLC
Design Challenge:
The Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge 2012 International Design Ideas Competition is challenging the design and art communities to envision new, innovative reuse strategies. The 520 bridge will be decommissioned in 2014 due to high maintenance costs, damage, and the need for additional lanes. The Washington State Department of Transportation is requiring of the new bridge's design-build team that it be reused or recycled in a sustainable fashion; current trends for the reuse of pontoons have been floating docks, breakwaters and piers, but what else could be done with such a feat of engineering?
The Transforming Seattle's 520 Floating Bridge 2012 International Design Ideas Competition seeks design proposals which either utilize the bridge in its current state or take the bridge apart and reuse its pontoons at a new site on Lake Washington, Lake Union or in the Puget Sound in Washington State. Designers need to constantly assert the need for advancement in creative reuse; our ideas drive design forward. What is a floating bridge when its function is no longer needed? What can designers do when faced with the design problem of reusing thirty-three floating concrete pontoons?
For more information, go to:
International Tropical Architecture Design Competition 2012 for Institutes of Higher Learning
Sponsor: Singapore Green Building Council
Type: Student, ideas
Language: English
Fee: None
Eligibility: Registration is open to all university and polytechnic students in the architectural and building design fields. Multidisciplinary teams are strongly encouraged.
29 June, 2012 - Registration Deadline
16 July, 2012 - Submissions Deadline
First Place - $3,000Second Place - $1,500
Third Place - $500
Best Student Entry - $500
5 Honorable Mentions - $100 each
Jury: TBA
Design Challenge:
This year’s theme calls for entries to take into consideration how end-users can continue to develop behaviours or actions that will keep the buildings and the community green in the tropical climate.
Entries should also focus on climatic adaptive building skins suitable for the locality identified, integrating landscape into the building design, incorporating passive and active design strategies, renewable energy (if any) and other ecological design features.
Entries can be of an entire building or a detailed study and it must include a degree of feasibility based on today’s available resources.
For more information, go to:
Andreu World 12th Annua International Design Competition
Sponsor: Andreu World
Type: Open, international
Language: English
Fee: None
Eligibility: The competition is open both to design students and to professionals, without age limit.
31 August, 2012 - Submission deadline, USA
12 September, 2012 - Submission deadline, international
1st Prize - € 3000
2nd Prize - € 1000
Jury: TBA
Design Challenge:
Design for a chair and/or table.
Seating: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Chairs may be upholstered to a greater or lesser extent, if considered appropriate and veneered board or plywood
Tables: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Tables may be veneered board or plywood
The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above.
All designs presented shall be new, not having been marketed or disclosed prior to the date of the Competition.
Tables: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Tables may be veneered board or plywood
The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above.
All designs presented shall be new, not having been marketed or disclosed prior to the date of the Competition.
Possible innovative features related to design, quality, technology, production processes, etc. and in general anything that adds value to the presented project.
Possible adaptation to the product philosophy of Andreu World S.A.
Production costs and/or recovery.
Functionality: fulfilment of the functions for which it has been designed.
All-round simple and viable mass production possibilities.
Possible versatility and suitability for development in occasional pieces such as stools, easy chairs, sofas, etc. in the case of chairs, and of different sizes and heights in the case of tables.
Suitability to numerous ambiences and uses such as the home, contract work, etc.
Possible adaptation to the product philosophy of Andreu World S.A.
Production costs and/or recovery.
Functionality: fulfilment of the functions for which it has been designed.
All-round simple and viable mass production possibilities.
Possible versatility and suitability for development in occasional pieces such as stools, easy chairs, sofas, etc. in the case of chairs, and of different sizes and heights in the case of tables.
Suitability to numerous ambiences and uses such as the home, contract work, etc.
For more information, go to:
Buffalo Medical School Competition Results
HOK has been selected to design the new University at Buffalo (UB) School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, from a competition of finalists, which included Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects and Cannon Design; Rafael Vinoly Architects with Foit-Albert Associates; and Grimshaw and Davis Brody Bond.
Sam Fox School announces winner of 2012 Steedman Fellowship
Architect Jason Mrdeza has won Washington University in St. Louis’ 2012 Steedman Fellowship in Architecture International Design Competition.
Sponsored by the College of Architecture and the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, the biennial competition is open to young architects from around the world and carries a $50,000 first place award to support study and research abroad — making it one of the largest competition prizes in the United States.
Sponsored by the College of Architecture and the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, the biennial competition is open to young architects from around the world and carries a $50,000 first place award to support study and research abroad — making it one of the largest competition prizes in the United States.
Honorable mentions
In addition to the first place prize, three honorable mentions were awarded to:
Grant Gibson, Chicago
Timothy Kunkel, Chicago
Christine Yogiaman, St. Louis
For more information, go to:
Shortlist Announced for St. Cross College, Oxford Design Competition
Malcolm Reading Consultants (MRC) ihas announced the shortlist for the private, invited design competition for St Cross College, Oxford. The selected teams will now be asked to develop concept designs which complete the College’s exceptional site on St Giles, adjacent to the Grade II listed Pusey House.
The St Cross College Building Committee, advised by MRC and the Oxford University Estates Directorate, selected four practices to work on the project.
These are:
Niall McLaughlin Architects
Pringle Richards Sharratt Architects
Walters and Cohen
Wilkinson Eyre Architects
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